Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happiness Is A Choice


Last year at this time I was spending every Sunday watching the OWN network, alone. Nobody else that I knew personally was watching it. Now a few seem to be catching on, a Facebook friend the other day said "It is like going to church in your pajamas!" It is absolutely true. The other day Pastor Rick Warren, made an appearance on "Oprah's Lifeclass. "While promoting the 10th anniversary of his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, Warren created an analogy between life and playing poker. Five "cards" represent the different aspects of a person's identity:

 You have no control the first four but the fifth card - CHOICES- trumps them all. The first four cards we are dealt are the things we don't have control over. We didn't choose where we was born, when we was born, we didn't choose our gender, our parents, our race, our natural abilities, our natural weaknesses, but a wise player can play what seems to be a weak hand and win the game with the fifth card with CHOICES they make in life. There are ways to take what you are given and make the most out of it. You are a product of your past, but you are not a prisoner of it.

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