Saturday, March 15, 2025

1960 Fajardo Go-Kart

Times are hard, not just for me but for everyone. Everyone is being faced with an acceleration of energy and yet I find myself just feeling worn out since the beginning of January when this new administration in the United States came into power. Exhausted. I look at my artwork that needs to be finished and I just don't feel the inspiration that I've had my whole life. I feel a hopelessness that I have never felt. I feel like so many of our lives have been turned upside down. Just one example, thousands of National Park Workers were fired for absolutely no reason. Well, the reason is to give billionaires tax breaks. Then Medicaid, Medicare and Social have been in the news all day, every day because they are on the chopping block. 73 million people in the USA depend on Social Security. I worked my whole life at jobs that collected money for social security and here I am at 69 waking up every morning to see what kind of mess our country is in today.

About 3 days ago I decided there's nothing I can do. I'm not in good enough health to go march. I don't have a job so I can't strike so I am just going to stop reading about it. I don't watch the news. It's springtime and I am beginning to garden again. 

I opened Facebook yesterday and the first photo that came up was Trump and Musk in front of the White House doing a commercial for Tesla cars. It is so ridiculous that the President of the United States spends his time either trying to make himself more money or his investors more money. As if money was the answer. I ask myself daily why he would want to be a world leader when it is obvious that he cares about nobody but himself. For some reason it reminded me of when I was 6 years old and my dad helped my brothers build a go-kart. We took photos of it in the front yard.

Phillip 12 years old
Gilbert 11 years old

Agnes, Nita 9 years old and Christina 6 years old

Agnes, Christina 6 years old,
Nita 9 years old

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