Friday, December 2, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 1

I saw a post on my niece's facebook page late last night - 30 Days of Gratitude - Inspired by someone I don't know. However, one of my big lessons of this past year is that we all need a TEAM. And sometimes some of your best team members are people you don't know.

T - Together
E - Everyone
A - Achieves
M - More

I am starting my 30 day of GRATITUDE today and it will end on Dec 31. Yay!

Today I am grateful for all the people on blogs and facebook that spread the love!


  1. Hi Christina, I just completed a gratitude project, it was so good to participate in. It definately helped me to be more mindful being grateful for something everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy december xx

  2. Great idea Christina!
