Sunday, August 21, 2011

Working On My Blog.... All Weekend... Really?

I keep bringing up the e-course I am taking but I am feeling much like I imagine my grandson is feeling today on his first day of high school. Meeting new friends, discovering all the things they have in common as well as the diversity and mostly discovering a world you never imagine existed.This blogging thing is very new to me and that is odd because I have had a bog forever but is is sort of like having the bass guitar I have setting in my living room that I never play. I have had several friends ask how to subscribe and here it is. Very simple:  At the TOP LEFT CORNER of the page you can click on "Follow" and it will take you to a stand alone page, click "Follow." That seems to be the easiest way to follow. Or ...On the right side of the page it says  "Follow me by email." Type your email address there and it will send you a confirmation email. Or....You can click on the little orange RSS Feed button on the right Under the heading of "Follow My Blog" that says "Posts" and you sort of have to wait a second and a menu comes up to subscribe by RSS. This is for folks who follow lots of blogs and have them sent to their RSS feed.

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